Certification Update May
In this Certification update, we're sharing information on our team so you know who is on the other end of the phone when you call. We're also sharing details on 'what great looks like' for the top 3 issues identified in Certification audits.
In this Certification update, we're sharing information on our team so you know who is on the other end of the phone when you call. We're also sharing details on 'what great looks like' for the top 3 issues identified in Certification audits. Plus, we've got details on collateral you can download to promote your certification, adding certified workers to your contractor ecoPortal dashboard and more. As always, please reach out to me at anytime. Thanks for reading.
John Lowe, Safetree Certification Manager
021 164 8036
Meet the Certification Team
We've heard through the bush wireless that some of you don't know who is behind Safetree Certification. So we're reintroducing you to our team, who want to hear from and help you. Jackie Delaney and John Lowe hold the fort in the Safetree Certification office. We're here to help! You can reach out to us anytime about your Certification, for things like:
- Help with ecoPortal including logging in, accessing information, uploading documents etc
- Questions about your Certification - your status, audit, invoice, worker certification etc
- What you should cook for dinner
Contact John or Jackie at anytime on 0800 SAFE 123 or EMAIL certification@safetree.nz
What does great look like?
Here, we're looking at the top three issues identified from Certification audits and what great looks like.
- How have you communicated your health and safety goals and commitments? (Leadership)
Great looks like: Senior management will visit each crew to set the goals for that crew for the year. Senior management sets overall goals and commitments as a business. This is put on a poster in each crew hut so the crew are part of the visual in the hut. Goals aren't just new gear and the likes but go into the well-being of the individual mentally, socially, emotionally, physically etc.
- What do you use to record health and safety competency requirements for the crew?
Great looks like: The crew has a competency matrix that has the different types of achievement in different colours. Each individual has a training record folder that has training status in it. All employees have first aid training and their hydration and nutrition units.
- How do you assess competency of your workers for their tasks? (Leadership) - Grade (Part One - Three)
Good looks like:
- They do the Safety Behaiviour Observations every month.
- If a new guy starts then they are buddied up with a senior member of the team to make sure that they are up to where they say they are
- There is the record of learning that they have access too
- The business also does a review for each individual shortly after the initial induction
Add Certified Workers to your EcoPortal
Do you have Safetree Certified Workers in your crew? Did you know you can add their certification records to your Contractor ecoPortal and keep updated with their status. If you have a Certified Worker you'd like to add to your Contractor ecoPortal email us and we'll do it for you. It's that simple.
EMAIL certification@safetree.nz or PHONE 0800 7233 123
Certification collateral for download
Safetree Certified Contractors can now promote your certification by including Certified branding on your own materials and vehicles. To access the downloadable collateral pack, login to ecoPortal and select 'Branding Resources' from the registers list. There you'll find a PDF guide and artwork which you can add to your vehicles as a removable magnet and to your documents, social media posts and email signatures. If you have any issues, contact our team for one-on-one help.
We can only get better with feedback. If you have any suggestions or thoughts on Safetree Certification then please email us on certification@safetree.nz or call 0800 SAFE 123 (7233 123).