Certification Update - October

Our Certification numbers show that we are at all time highs with Certification, with a record number of contractors and workers currently certified. It's extremely positive to see and we hope to witness this trend continue into the new year. We're sharing details of a joint package of support services being delivered between October – December 2023 by the Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA), Safetree and Eastland Wood Council for forestry contractors and kaimahi in Tairawhiti / Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. Read on below. Plus, we're looking for contract tree fallers and have some free support on offer for them. If you know any, please spread the word or email their details to us so that we can get in contact. If there is anything you need, please reach out to me at any time. Thanks for reading.

John Lowe, Safetree Certification Manager

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Support services for forestry businesses in Tairawhiti and Hawkes’ Bay

A joint package of support services being delivered between October – December 2023 by the Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA), Safetree and Eastland Wood Council will be available for forestry contractors and kaimahi in Tairawhiti / Gisborne and Hawkes Bay. Funded by the Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI) North Island Weather Event (NIWE) fund, the package is valued at $577,000 and includes a range of support services to help businesses build resilience for the future.

Support services include, access to a specially designed Future Proofing Contractors Workshop and the Be a Mate - Hei Hoa te Ngahere mental health programme delivered by FICA, funded Safetree Contractor and Worker Certification offered by Safetree in Gisborne / Tairawhiti, Forestry Whanau Days and an Emergency Readiness and Response plan supported by the Te Kawa a Tāne Alliance in conjunction with Eastland Wood Council.

For more information

  • Safetree Contractor and Worker Certification - email John Lowe at certification@safetree.nz
  • FICA Events - Future Proofing Contractors Workshop and Be a Mate - Hei Hoa te Ngahere mental health programme - click here for upcoming dates 
  • Eastland Wood Council / Te Kawa a Tāne Alliance 

 We’re looking for contract tree-fallers

With support from WorkSafe, we’re offering free Safetree Worker Certification to contract tree-fallers. If you use contract fallers, or know of people working as contract fallers, please let them know about this opportunity. Safetree Worker Certification provides an independent and industry recognised confirmation that a contract faller meets required health and safety standards and is still at the top of their game.

To find out more, contact John.Lowe@fisc.org.nz

 Certification shout-outs

 Congratulations to the following contractors who have achieved Certification / Re-Certification in the past 4 months (July-October 2023).

  • lpine Logging Ltd
  • Baird Harvesting Limited
  • Bolly Logging Ltd
  • Brand Logging Ltd
  • Central Cable Yarding Ltd
  • Cox Forestry Services Ltd
  • D M Logging Ltd
  • Eastside Logging Co Ltd
  • Evans Forest Harvesting
  • Ferris Logging Ltd
  • Fisken Wood Ltd
  • Havendale Logging Ltd
  • Heagney Bros Ltd
  • Horne Bros Ltd
  • Interpine Group Ltd
  • Jensen Logging
  • Johnson Forestry Services Ltd
  • Kea Logging Ltd
  • Kuru Contracting Limited
  • Marlborough Harvesting Ltd
  • McCormick Logging 2014 Ltd
  • Moffat Logging (NZ) Ltd
  • Paterson Trees Ltd
  • RA Douglas Harvesting
  • Ridgeline Silviculture Ltd
  • Sika Logging Ltd
  • Simon Limited
  • Simpson Logging Ltd
  • SMH Logging Ltd
  • Southern Cross Harvesting Ltd
  • Speirs Logging
  • Swain Logging Limited
  • Thomassen Logging
  • TEL 2023
  • Total Tree Removal Ltd
  • Wayne Spicer Contractors Limited

 Are you on the Certification Register?

The Safetree Certification Register is promoted the NZ Farm Forestry Association, NZ Forest Owners Association, Forest Managers and the Forest Industry Contractors Association. The goal is to ensure the Safetree Certification register is the primary source of harvesting and silviculture contractors in New Zealand.

Are you on the Register as a Certified Contractor? 

  • No? Please email or call us on 0800 7233 123 so we can get you onboard.
  • Yes! Great - there's nothing else you need to do!

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